Posted on 6/28/2022
Warning lights alert you to potential problems with your vehicle. They come in many shapes and sizes. Here's what they look like, what they mean, and what to do. #1. Check Engine Light What Does It Look Like? The check engine light is a small, round yellow or orange light that flashes on your dashboard when there's something wrong with your car. What Does It Mean? If the check engine light comes on, you should visit a mechanic as soon as possible. There could be a problem with your emission system that could cause problems. What To Do? Pull over immediately and turn off the ignition until everything has cooled down. Then call a mechanic and make an appointment ASAP. #2. ABS Warning What Does It Look Like? This is a yellow light with a red ring around it. It is either on or flashing. What Does It Mean? There is fault detection with the anti-lock brake system (ABS). What To Do? Check for fault codes by pressing the 'Check Engine' or 'Malfunction Indicato ... read more