Posted on 5/30/2023

We've all stood in the aisle of an auto parts store before, staring at rows upon rows of engine oil bottles. The options seem endless, each bottle showing different specifications and promises. But which one is the right choice for your car? The truth is that selecting the appropriate motor oil is crucial for your vehicle's engine's optimal performance and longevity. Today, we will dive into the factors to consider when determining the kind of motor oil your car needs. Viscosity Grade: Engine oil is labeled with numbers and letters, such as 5W-30 or 10W-40. These numbers represent the viscosity grade, which indicates the oil's resistance to flow at different temperatures. The first number, followed by a "W," describes the oil's viscosity at cold temperatures, while the second number indicates the viscosity at operating temperature. The owner's manual or oil cap should have the recommended viscosity grade for your vehicle's ... read more