Posted on 9/30/2023

Your Ford F-150 is more than just a truck; it's a reliable workhorse that tackles challenges head-on, whether it's hauling cargo or conquering off-road terrain. To keep it running at its peak performance, regular maintenance is key. One crucial aspect of this upkeep is changing the oil filter. While it might sound like a daunting task, fear not. In today's guide, we'll guide you through all the steps you need to successfully and easily change your F-150s oil filter. Gather Your Supplies Before you start, ensure you have all the necessary supplies at hand. You'll need: A new oil filter compatible with your Ford F-150 (refer to your owner's manual for specifications) A socket wrench or oil filter wrench An oil drain pan A funnel A rag or paper towels for cleanup A pair of safety gloves (optional) Prepare Your Work Area Find a flat, level surface to work on, and make sure your engine is cool to the touch. Safety first! Wea ... read more